Friday, January 27, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

this morning, as I tried to convince myself to get out of bed, something that is becoming increasingly difficut these days.I realized I had a decision to make, I can either face this challenge for what it is, a challenge, or I can sit around feeling sorry for myself, picturing myself as a victim, making myself and everyone around me miserable.  I think my choicee boiled down to the choice given in The Shawshank Rdemption, get busy livin' or get busy dyin'. Guess which one I choose? Igot my butt up, held Charlotte and did my exercises for the day

Sunday, January 15, 2012


The last time I was seriously ill my significant other essentially abandoned me both physically and emotionall; barely visiting me while Iwas inthe hospital, not caring for me when I was home .After that experience Itold myself that whoever I ended up with would be someone who would never even think of abanfoning me whe I needed him most. luckily, My judgement was better this time my husband took the vows "for better or for worse in sickness and in health" very sweriously. Hrenever left my side fo the two and a half months Iwas inthe hospital. He Heis always ready to give me dose of tough love, and I need it now and then, he pushes me to be my best self, to be as great as he knows  m. Hebelieves in me even when Ican't muster up any faithin mself. He is truly my partner in this journey. and Iam thankful for his prescence every day.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Valkyrie In The Making - Belligerent

He flew around the building until he found the room; a faint glimmer of light and movement catching his eye.

As he landed on the windowsill he saw Vali take her in his arms and make her drink from a cup. His long lean fingers stroked her face, caressing her into a deep sleep. He placed her on the bed where she lay, her breathing slowing. Once he was sure she was asleep he began to take her boots off, slowly so as to not disturb her. Her hunting knife fell heavy on the ground, he looked quickly at the girl, inspecting to be sure she did not wake up at the loud thud. He picked up the knife and inspected it, once his curiosity was satisfied he stuck the knife in his boot.

He began to pull the other boot off, the boot that held her coin. Muninn made a loud screech flew away from the building only to reel around as he sped up and flew straight at the glass window, shattering it and landing square on Vali's head.

Vali let out a yelp of pain as Muninn began to peck at his head. Vali flung his fists at Muninn, landing some hits, but not many. As Muninn saw one of the fists come at him he waited and grabbed the bag of coin from it's captor and flew up into the rafters of the room. He hopped around and found a suitable hiding place in a corner where a rat had made it's home. Muninn cocked his head to the rat and lowered the bag into his hands as he swooped down at Vali, tugging a tuft of hair free from the confines of his scalp.

"Arrghhh! Gods curse you!" He screamed as he jumped at the rafters, trying to pull himself up, although everytime he got a handle on a rafter an angry bird pecked at his fingers. Finally he stopped and stood in the middle of the room. Blood was dripping from his head and hands, and he saw many of the bar patrons staring into his doorway, attracted by the racket.

"Well, don't just stand there, help me!" He screamed, helplessly.

The Tavern Keeper entered the room and looked up into the rafters as Muninn swooped down at him, screeching all the way, pulling a button from his shirt and returning to the safety of the rafters.

"No, sir. Ravens bring ill-luck, as you can see. I will not tempt the Father by tormenting his companion." The Tavern Keeper said as he hustled the rest of the crowd downstairs, shutting the door behind him.

"Fine. I will deal with this animal myself" Vali said, pulling Briggita's knife from his boot. "Come and get me, I can take better care of the lass than you."

"Creeeeeeee" Muninn squealed as he headed towards Vali avoiding the swipes of his knife as he landed on his shoulder, digging his claws in and screeching into his ear, bringing Vali to the ground. Vali crawled across the floor, with Muninn perched and digging into his back. He tried to get up by taking hold of the table. Muninn jumped up and pecked at his hands, bringing him crashing face first into the floor, and knocking the table and pitcher over on top of him. The clay pitcher breaking and cutting his face. Vali rolled over and Muninn hopped onto his chest and then onto his face, placing his talons over his mouth, cutting holes through his lips as he stared deep into Vali's eyes conveying what needed to be said.

"Reave! Reave! Reave!" Muninn called releasing Vali's mouth and taking off to hover over Vali.

"Fine. I will go, but you will see me again. That I promise." He sputtered through the blood. As he got himself up and stumbled through the door and down the stairs, leaving the knife on the ground.

Muninn perched onto the windowsill and watched Vali as he ran out of town, looking behind every so often to be sure the raven was not behind him.

Once he was out of sight Muninn flew over to the girl, still sound asleep, obviously dreaming deeply. He stood guard over her for the rest of the night.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Valkyrie In The Making - Circumspect

Through the cloudiness that had overtaken her senses, she could feel herself being carried upwards. The jarring motions caused her stomach to churn unpleasantly.

Soon she was in a dark room, being placed gently on a mattress of stiff straw. She opened her eyes to see Vali's face hovering above hers.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"In my quarters, you need some rest, I fear you may have overdone it in the tavern." He replied as he walked towards a small table in the corner of the room that held a pitcher and some glasses. "Sleep, I will wake you in the morning, we can discuss the journey then."

"No. I need to leave." She said, sitting up slowly. "I shouldn't be in this room with you." She stood, steadying herself against the spinning motion of the room by leaning against the wall.

"Look, you are in no shape to travel tonight, here, drink some of this, it will help." He said, as he handed her a glass of clear liquid.

"What is this?" She asked, as she smelled the scentless liquid.

"Water, it will help." He said as he pushed the glass up to her lips, taking hold of her around the waist.

She let the cool liquid flow down her throat, coughing as she finished, shocked by the bitter taste that followed the initial sweetness of the drink.

"There, isn't that better?" He asked, stroking her hair with his free hand. "You will sleep well now, I will make arrangements for our departure in the morning while you sleep."

Her head began to buzz, her eyelids became heavy and she slurred out the words "That didn't taste like water." as she was placed back on the bed and her vision went black.

She saw herself in the clearing of a great forest, standing naked in front of a large bonfire. She could see dark faces staring at her from just beyond the tree, she was fearful of them.

"Take no notice of them, they won't harm you, Young One." A booming voice said from behind her.

She turned to see the large man that she had seen in the fire, he was also naked, standing with a sword in one hand and a long curling horn in the other.

"Who are they?" She asked.

"You will soon find out. But they are not to be feared, there are others, close to you that are more cause for concern. But, you will learn that on your own." He said, as he came close to her. She felt warmth radiating from his body and a sense of calm and safety flowed over her. Something she had not felt in a long time.

"Keep on your path, trust in the mind, do not take any more mistletoe, and leave the city as fast as possible. We will find each other then, but be sure that the shifter is not with you when we meet. Take care Young One, I look forward to our journeys."

With that he lifted her in his arms, kissed her gently, first on the forehead, then on both cheeks and once on her mouth, breathing sweet earthiness into her lungs, causing her whole body to shake. Her put her in the center on the fire and the heat washed over her like the loving arms of her family. Then all went black and she opened her eyes to a room lit with early morning sunshine, torn to bits by a chaos she was suddenly aware she had no part in.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Valkyrie In The Making - Lickspittle

"You are going to look for your father?" Vali asked, interrupting Briggita's reverie.

"No. Not exactly." She replied, turning away from the window to look at Vali. "I'm going to find what he was looking for."

"You are going to the New Land?"

"Yes. I am sure he is not there, but perhaps I can succeed where he did not. If it is as good and rich as they say, I should be able to build a new life there."

"How do you plan on getting there? The boats to the New Land cost money."

"I have some coin. I can work for the rest." She said, grabbing her mug and swallowing down the rest of the mead, letting her excitement take over.

Vali looked around the tavern, and back at this young, adventurous girl, considering his options and reviewing his circumstances.

"I will accompany you." He blurted out.

"Oh no, I don't want you to give up your poetry. I can find my way just fine." She finished her mead and stood, intending to find Muninn and begin her journey. But when she stood her head felt heavy and began to spin. She swayed side to side until she fell forward into Vali's arms.

"I think perhaps we should discuss this once you get some rest. Come, you may sleep in my quarters." With this he picked her up and carried her up the stairs.

Outside, Muninn saw all of this. He flew to the ledge of the window that Brigitta had just been sitting at just in time to see Vali carrying her up the stairs.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Valkyrie In The Making - Beget

"So, I can assume you are not from this village or any other, for that matter." Vali said.

"Why do you assume that?" She asked defensively.

"Well, you had never heard "The Walking of Angantyr", you have never had strong mead, and you have a wide eyed wonderment at everything you see. Therefore, I must deduce that you have never been in a village, even a small one like this."

"This is a small village? But there are so many people!"

"Most are passing through, like yourself, or selling their wares, like myself."

"You aren't selling anything." She snickered after gulping down two more slugs of mead.

"I am. My words, people pay for fantasy." He said, leaning in closer to her.

"I see." She said, attempting to stop the sudden slurring of her words.

"Well, where did you appear from?" He insisted.

"East of here. Two, maybe three days walk. My home was in the woods, by a stream and hills, it was beautiful."



"What drove you from a place of such beauty?" He asked as he moved next to her on her bench, sitting so close she could smell the sweet scent of the mead on his breath.

"My mother died, four days ago. A coughing illness. She had been worsening for months, it is good she was released from her pain." She said, dreamily. Relieved by this sudden realization.

"What of your father?"

She backed away from him, closer to the window and looked out.

She saw him, on top of the Great Hall, watching her.

"He has been gone for some time now." She said, thinking, calculating. "Four, possibly five years."

"He left you and your mother?" Vali asked, sounding shocked.

"No. Never. He went with some men to explore the new land to the north. He heard that it was rich, good land and wanted to see it for himself. He was going to send for us if it suited him, but he never returned. Mother kept thinking he would return, but I think he is with her, drinking of Odin's cup." She began to feel tears well up in her eyes. She never spoke of her father, his loss was too much for her to bear, then and now.

"Perhaps he is still alive, I hear that land is hard, but good for those who work." Vali said, gently, not wanting to upset her more.

"I don't think so, but I plan on finding out for sure." She said, looking out the window again, making eye contact with her guide, finally realizing where they were headed.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


The tavern was dark and incredibly smoky, as if the smoke from the large fire that burned in the center of the room had no where to escape to.

Briggita had never been inside a place like this, probably shouldn't be now, he father would be ashamed of her. But the promise of talking to this man longer was enough to lure her in. There were men at the bar, laughing, singing, telling stories and being incredibly jovial. But in the dark corners of the tavern sat lone souls, staring deep into their cups, despair hanging around them, mingling with the smoke. She wanted to stay away from those corners.

She was feeling woozy from the smoke and the noxious fumes that surrounded her.

"Here, sit." He said, escorting her to a bench close to a window that had a small crack in the corner, letting in small wafts of air. "I will get libations for us to enjoy." With that, he turned and went to the bar, she assumed to get whatever libations he was speaking of. A small breeze came through the window, refreshing her. She scanned the square, what she could see of it, trying to catch a glimpse of Muninn. She hoped he had not left for good, it scared her to think of going on without him.

"This should do the trick." He said as he placed two large mugs, overflowing with  liquid down on a small table in front of the bench she sat on. He pulled up another bench, close to the table and leaned forward, getting as close to her as possible. He raised his mug to her. "Let us toast!"

She raised her mug as well.

"To great adventures and discovering the unknown."

"The unknown" She repeated dreamily. They clanked their mugs together and she drank deep, as her father had taught her.

What greeted her was not what she was expecting. It was mead, but nothing like what her father had made. His was sweet and soothing, used in illness, sleeplessness and festivals. This was sharp, bitter and burned. She felt it hit her stomach and warm her from the inside out.

"I can see it is a new experience for you." He chuckled.

"Yes. I have never had mead that was this strong." She coughed, taking another sip, hoping it would soothe her throat and her nerves.

"They make it so those fools will spend all their hours and all their coin here." He said, indicating the corners of the room. "I like it because it lights one up, so long as one does not have too much."

"Yes, I can see that it can have that effect." She said after another gulp. Her whole body now felt warm, and she was starting to calm down a bit, forgetting the noise, the smoke, and the sadness and only seeing those lovely blue eyes. "I am Briggita."

"They call me Vali."